ATLANTA — The addition of Liberator’s U.K. website last April has already produced a return from the "sex furniture-hungry market," the company announced today.
Liberator explained that the U.K. website is a close copy of the U.S. version but with a more curated collection of goods and unique images. Liberator’s stateside team worked closely with the U.K. group to customize the site to better suit the clientele and market.
"The Liberator brand is already so strong we didn’t need to alter much to introduce it to the U.K.," David Denholm, Liberator U.K. headman said. "Now customers here can more easily get Liberator products like the Wedge and Ramp at a fraction of the cost they were before."
Liberator’s compression packaging is a large reason why the U.K. retail site was able to come about. The reduced size in packaging allows for lower shipping costs and an increased number of products per shipping pallet. This packaging development has also allowed Liberator to be picked up for distribution in the U.K. by Net 1on1, which added 11 SKUs to its offering in April.
“Previously we took chances on sex furniture products which ended up either being too expensive, too niche or not in demand enough to warrant buying the minimum quantities that manufacturers were requesting,” Danielle Warn, head buyer at Net 1on1 said.
She added, “Liberator produce versatile pieces of furniture that feel great and perform well, it was a no brainer to take on a decent cross section of their collection as the timing was right and the market in demand for this kind of product.”