LOS ANGELES — EveKnows.com has rebuilt its search engine.
New features include support for more tube sites, more and bigger thumbnail previews, fewer advertisements, better search technology, and more advanced features.
The company said the improvements allow users to more easily find what they're looking for.
"Now Eve can find results from all of the leading tube sites, with thumbnail previews of the entire clip," the company said. "Different views. We heard a lot of feedback when we switched from our Google-esque, traditional view to our modern thumbnail view. Now you can switch between them for the best of both worlds. Our favorite new feature is the “More like this” link on every gallery.
"Our previous approach to finding similar galleries was simple, and usually didn’t return great results. Now we use advanced information retrieval techniques to determine exactly what sets certain galleries apart, and then search our collection for galleries sharing those features. We’re ecstatic with the results, and we think you will be, too."