The series, titled "Shibari Fumo Ryu," features instructional Japanese bondage content made outside of Japan, the company announced Friday.
AEBN, also known as the Adult Entertainment Broadcast Network, has signed a summer-long contract with La Societe Libertaine to include the specialized niche content in its expansive library of more than 50,000 video-on-demand titles. The first two releases of the series cover parts 1-4 and will be available through AEBN by the end of May.
"Shibari Fumo Ryu” is modeled after an e-book series published in 2000, featuring Dutch Shibari performer, partner Mirjam and teacher Hans Meijer, a well-known, internationally established adult performer who is known for bringing Eastern eroticism and bondage content to Western audiences.
Meijer also is known for his writings on the subject of bondage and for appearing in a one-hour television documentary by Dutch television network BNN in 2005.
"AEBN considers it an honor to have Hans working with us and giving us this opportunity to have his movies exclusively," Daphne Reeder, AEBN's global press liaison, said. "He's renowned for his skill and has spoken at lectures around the globe. We feel his work spans more than the adult realm, as his movies are informative and insightful."