LOS ANGELES — The Adult Content Industry United Foundation (ACIUF) on Wednesday announced Manwin’s support in the ACIUF fight against piracy and illegal file-hosting. ACIUF said that "with no other expectation than achieving the objectives, Manwin has made a standing donation that will help cover the operational cost."
Siep Kuppens, president of the ACIUF, said, “In the open and constructive negotiations, Manwin did not call for immunity, and was even reluctant to receive publicity about this. Concerning this last issue, we decided to give Manwin the credits it deserves. We are very grateful to the companies that already support us, and are happy to move forward with this new backing.”
Though recognizing that some consider this unification controversial, the organization believes that those who understand the importance of this fight will agree with the motives behind the move, ACIUF said.
The main goal of the ACIUF is to kill piracy in all its forms of existence. In addition, the organization works to create awareness, while also targeting hosting companies, and billing processors that are part of the system that support piracy.
Kuppens added, “With this new added support, the ACIUF is definitely on the map, and we expect more companies to join now that we have shown we have the power to move. This fight can be won, but we need to join forces.”