LOS ANGELES — Sinister X Syndicate on Monday announced that adult performer Tara Lynn Foxx has been cast as the Oracle in the upcoming “TV” series for The Syndicate’s Extreme Entertainment Network.
Foxx has worked with Sinister X in the past on "Captain America XXX." Last week Sinister X announced that Katie Summers would play Black Canary in the series, in addition to prominent roles for Alexis Ford, Jennifer White and Lizzy Borden.
"I feel like Muhammad Ali, and I keep shocking the world," Sinister X said. " Floating like a butterfly, and stinging like a bee."
As the roster for the Sinister X Syndicate expands, so does the expectation for the debut projects, the company said.
“We have so many incredible projects going on, and they’re just going to pop," Sinister X said. "This 'Birds of Prey' TV series is going to be incredible with episodes popping up on your TV (through Extreme Entertainment Network’s ROKU channel), and it’s going to be so good, because the girls we have lined up are really that good. It’s a new era in porn, and we’re there at the head of the curve with the cream of the crop.”
Sales manager Dave Peskin added, “The expanded roster will all be in San Diego next month for the upcoming Comic-Con convention, and the Extreme Entertainment Network is scheduled to be launched later this week.”
Sinister X continued, “Tara Lynn Foxx will be appearing as the Oracle, wheelchair and all, selling Birds of Prey XXX autographed DVDs, posters and additional giveaways.”