LOS ANGELES — The makers of MPA3.com said they have made it easier for affiliate program owners to switch over to the most comprehensive and experienced affiliate program software by reducing the ”tier one” rent fee to $199.
The company said this new tier will be offered to all new MPA3 Pro customers coming onboard and the new entry level rent fee coincides with the soon-to-be released MPA3 V5.
“MPA3 Pro is without a doubt the most popular choice among all of our clients,” the company said.
”However, the current initial monthly rent fee of $350 has been a leap for some new customers who have considered switching to MPA3. This has now changed. We are now offering everyone the opportunity to begin using the most popular version of our software for one of the lowest prices around.”
The price schedule for MPA3 Pro V5, and with no hidden fees, will be as follows:
- $199/mo. up to 100 joins
- $350/mo. up to 200 joins
- $450/mo. up to 450 joins
- $575/ mo. up to 1000 joins
- $675/ mo. up to 1500 joins
- $775/ mo. up to 2000 joins
- $875/ mo. up to 2500 joins
- $975/ mo. up to 3500 joins
- $1075/ mo. up to 4500 joins
- $1175/ mo. up to 5500 joins
- $1175/ mo. + $115 per block of 750 joins on 5500+ joins
The license fee is $2,900.
The company said that one of the reasons the MPA3 Pro version is popular is that program owners can have the option to order custom made tools and modifications to present their own ideas to their affiliates.
”We recognize that affiliate programs prefer their own unique look and feel that stands out from their competition,” the company said. ”MPA3 Pro, compared to its competition does just that.”
For more information on MPA3 Pro and a list of other products, contact oy@mpa3.com.