Available through Addictive Entertainment, “Teenage Sinsations” is directed by veteran lens man Wesley Emerson and stars Taylor Hilton, Luci Diamond, Stacy Thorne, Kinzie Jo, Kat, Jenna Presley, and Ashley Gracie.
These limber young lassies take on well-hung heroes Alex Sanders, Tommy Gunn, Barrett Blade, Nick Manning, Cheyne Collins, and Ross Severance in this hardcore, high-definition thriller.
“Working with Nikki and Alex was the best,” said newcomer Hilton. “Breaking in with two established performers brought out a sexual side of me that I never even knew I had. I know memories of this scene will stay with me for a long time.”
Sinsation Pictures owner Paul Marco said, “A lot is happening this week. Not only are we debuting our first movie, but we are attending Adultcon, where fans can meet Taylor Hilton and Nikki Hunter.”
Sinsation will have copies of “Teenage Sinsations” available for purchase at the show along with free swag for all who sign up for the company’s monthly newsletter.
For sales, contact jon@addictednow.com or call (818) 609-7725.