SYDNEY — Adult content will be the major driver of consumer adoption of Australia’s high speed National Broadband Network, according to content and applications developer The Project Factory.
The Project Factory’s director Jennifer Wilson said that while education and health lead public discussion of the network, it was personal entertainment including adult content that lead private discussions, according to ComputerWorld.
“The single most important factor is the porn factor because pornography has always been at the cutting edge of technology," Wilson said. "If we cannot get porn on the NBN then we will have trouble getting consumer acceptance and uptake."
Wilson, speaking at an Australian Computer Society forum, supported porn on the NBN because it stimulates digital growth and leads the way in e-commerce adoption.
“The main reason Blu-ray took off was because the adult entertainment industry chose the format over HD," Wilson said. "No one is going to install the NBN on the basis that one day they might need e-health services but they will use that as a justification for getting the service in order to download movies and watch TV."
Another telecommunications analyst said consumers would more likely use the service if it meant faster access to adult content, but the NBN may be subject to censorship because it's owned by the government.
"What we are doing with the NBN is audacious and exciting but if we can't give the consumers what they want than it is not going to work," Wilson said.