Called “Live Cyberdating,” the service creates a live platform for users on the video-dating network to talk and see each other in real-time for free.
“If you are looking for something new then this content is a must for any type of site,” Marketing Manager Jim Melotte said. “All the user has to do is enter a nickname to instantly mingle with a wide variety of friendly and enthusiastic young women ready to help them enjoy a live real-time experience.”
Melotte said one of the key benefits to the live program is it lets users enjoy a private session without having to repeatedly send out emails and wait for a response. Instead, users can log into the network, find someone online and begin chatting.
“When you add MyDatingFriends with ‘Live Cyberdating’ you will create more value to your site and offer your users the opportunity to meet live girls that are there for one purpose only,” Melotte said. “To satisfy them with an immediate and gratifying experience.”