The show, “Assinante Garanhao” or “Stud Subscriber,” is a new porn reality show complete with audience participation. Brazillian cable network TVA is hosting and helping promote the new adult show.
"It's an innovative marketing strategy with a surefire success incentive — sex," adult producer Robson Goncalves said.
The show consists of various actresses — the majority of them well known models in Brazil — helping the show’s director, Jose Simon Sanches, select candidates from letters sent by subscribers describing their adult fantasies. Chosen subscribers then are allowed to carry out their fantasies on film the show.
The show also will be recorded, to allow any corrections of unexpected problems with the winners’ performances.
Sanches said that many of the subscribers-turned-actors are intimidated in front of the cameras, and in many cases, their performances are different from what their letters suggest.
Previously, Sanches created and directed a weekly show consisting of two actors who took sexual orders of subscribers via email and phone calls, and performed them on film.