Seen weekly on Comedy Central, "Tosh.0" is a topical series that looks at the Internet much like VH1’s "The Soup" looks at television. The show features viral clips, sketches, and appearances by people who have appeared in video clips that went viral. The comedian Daniel Tosh created the show, and hosts it weekly.
"Tosh is aware that a parody is being made," Cross said. "We are excited to see his reaction to it once it comes out."
Parody elements will include "Star Wars Kid" and performance of the song "What What, In The Butt" performed by a black female instead of a gay black male "to make it more straight-audience friendly," Cross said. It will also include viral YouTube clips and other surprises.
Cast members already confirmed are Kacey Jordan, Xander Corvus, India Summer, April O'Neil, Misti Dawn, Skin Diamond and Michael Vegas as Tosh. Ron Jeremy — who has appeared on the Comedy Central show — will make a cameo appearance. The production already has a Twitter presence at
The video will shoot this month for JLA Productions.