Devia said the movie is a series of artfully shot and directed, hardcore vignettes featuring Jiz Lee, Sarah Lee Sinful, Syd Blakovich, Ashley Blue, Cadence St. John, Akira Raine, April Flores and Puck Goodfellow.
The film was chosen by Cinekink to be shown at the AfterGlow Closing Party on Mar. 16.
"My films appeal to an evolving market of porn consumers, both in terms of the content itself as well as the content delivery methods,” Devia said.
She added, “I represent the future of the adult industry on a few levels. I always have my eye on the future, so I decided to premiere 'Alpha Femmes' on VOD. Hot Movies for Her was the logical choice, and I chose Valentine's Day because 'Alpha Femmes' is very close to my heart — this movie is made with love, not just sex."
According to the director her film will also be featured on AEBN in the near future.
Devia also announced the premiere of her website where she will announce the "Alpha Femmes" DVD release date and be accepting preorders.
The site will also feature news of upcoming films, photo galleries and a director's blog.
The trailer for "Alpha Femmes" can be seen here.
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