The new film, from Metro Media Entertainment and CalVista, in association with Cheeky Monkey Productions, stars Sunny Lane, Ron Jeremy and Nicki Hunter who engage in various sexual scenarios from inside the Flying Pink Pig food truck.
The movie has received attention from various mainstream media outlets since the announcement of its release, prompting Metro to move its DVD release date.
"Due to legal complexities and massive demand for this incredible movie, we have decided to move the release date back to Feb. 8, in order to handle what has become one of our biggest titles in the history of Metro ... very hot sex and a fun concept are a winning recipe," said Rick Porras, Metro's vice president of operations.
"Metro is giving distributors a 100 percent sell through guarantee on this one."
AEBN's Jerry Anders said the anticipation of the DVD is mounting.
"There is no doubt that this is a highly anticipated movie, especially since the DVD won't be out for another few weeks," Anders said. "Given the coverage it's received, we know consumers will flock to AEBN to see it because they can't anywhere else."
"The Flying Pink Pig" is available on AEBN now.