The company said the majority of the content is 100 percent exclusive and original, featuring first-time-on-video girls.
The program also offers weekly updates with real amateurs, high retention rates, 50 percent commission on initial signup, 50 percent lifetime commissions on recurring billing, 10 percent commission on referred affiliates net sales and more.
Payouts are distributed weekly through CCBill ($20 minimum).
"The $20 minimum payout should not be difficult to meet," the company said.
"DesperateAmateurs has a high conversion rate. We do not play the unrealistic tier game that requires affiliates to sell so much before getting credit for their sales. We believe if you accommodated the referral, you should be rewarded for your efforts and the best way to do this is simple, pay you for your efforts. We also believe the recurring sale should pay the same as the initial sale, therefore this is what we pay! No games, no complicated programs."
The company said the program offers banners for webmasters to promote and all they need to do is place the provided URL on their website.
"We treat our members and affiliates with integrity and respect and believe in having an open and honest relationship. We look forward to a long, rewarding working relationship with you."