Voting is done by writing a review of the candidates online. Good Vibrations will award three winners the top three sex toys with the most customer reviews. The winning sex toy with the most reviews will be given away to a randomly selected contestant.
Voters can study the platform and philosophy of each candidate on the Good Vibrations Vibrate the Vote Contest Page, as well as at its Twitter and Facebook pages, before casting their vote by writing a review.
Customers can also enter by visiting a Good Vibrations retail location and will receive a free Pearl Drop Vibrator, valued at $8, if they declare, “I want to vibrate the vote!”
Participants can increase their votes — and their chance to win — by using social media. While casting a vote by providing a customer review online gets one point, customers that link to the product review on Facebook or Twitter and tag in that post get two votes.
"Your vote counts," said Dr. Carol Queen, Good Vibrations staff sexologist. "What's more, exercising your freedom of choice helps educate other voters — and post-election consumers — allowing them to learn more about the candidate products so they can choose optimally for themselves. May the best toy win!"
Winners will be announced on Nov. 15 on the Good Vibrations Magazine, Facebook and Twitter.