The parody of the classic Aaron Spelling television show features Sunny Leone, Andy San Dimas and Lexi Swallow in the iconic roles of Kelly, Sabrina and Jill originally played by Jaclyn Smith, Kate Jackson and the late great Farrah Fawcett.
The company said the story is right out of the dizzying pages of the disco era as popular dancers are abducted from Studio 54 amidst a cocaine and sex-slave trafficking operation. Charlie sends Jill, Kelly and Sabrina along with Bosley to crack the case but before they do the angels quickly find themselves in all sorts of trouble.
The movie also features performances by Heather Starlet, Breanne Benson, Madison Ivy, Cassandra Cruz, Vicky Chase, Alana Evans, Marcus London, Dirty Harry, Chris Evans, Eric John, Seth Gamble, Freddie Boom Ba and James Bartholet.
To see the trailer, visit the official site at
Pictured from left: Producer Scott David, Sunny Leone, Will Ryder, Andy San Dimas, James Bartholet and Lexi Swallow.