Under the Lee Roy Myers Presents brand, the acclaimed director is currently in preproduction on the Japanese Manga and Anime mega-franchise, “Sailor Moon,” “Office Space” and several sequels to his hit parodies including “The Big Lebowski: XXX Parody 2-Logjammin.”
In addition to Myers parody schedule, his production company will continue to build a diversified portfolio of original features, high-end gonzo films, a housewife-friendly series of romance films, as well as some unique concepts.
Myers and Tom Byron have also begun production on a new film, “Pornocchi,” a spoof on the classic “Pinocchio” tale.
Myers and his Nightingale Pictures partner W. Crawford are working on an all-girl parody of “Faster, Pussycat! Kill Kill!”
All are currently in pre-production with distribution arrangements to be announced shortly.