“Professional Girls” is a feature film directed by Eli Cross and stars Andy San Dimas, Missy Stone, Adrianna Nicole, Diana Doll, Skyla Paige, Chris Johnson, Derrick Pierce, Randy Spears and Tony DeSergio.
Also included on the DVD is a bonus scene from “Korprate Kougars” starring Zoe Britton and Charmane Star.
Directed by Kelly Holland, “5 Filthy Fetishes” stars Lindy Lane, Sophia Lomeli, Amia Miley, Chayse Evans, Yurizan Beltran, Asa Akira, Seth Gamble, Johnny Castle, Rocco Reed and Bill Bailey and contains a bonus scene from “The Fetish Mansion,” a kinky tale starring Kenzi Marie.
“One Penthouse movie releasing is always great, but two releases in one week is reason to celebrate,” said Robert Plarski, executive vice president of sales for Pulse Distribution. “Both ‘5 Filthy Fetishes’ and ‘Professional Girls’ are amazing, have some of the hottest stars in Adult and are directed by two of the most visionary directors out there. The preorders have been stellar — but, it is Penthouse.”
For sales, contact Plarski at Pulse Distribution via email at rplarski@pulsedistribution.com, or phone (818) 435-1605.