"Would you like to get inside a very effective system of free sites? Would like to have very productive traffic from Link Lists and from the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing?" a Chameleon spokesperson asked. "Don't wait and start to use Chameleon Link List Submitter right now."
Highlights of the new release include full compatibility with Windows 7; support for quick reordering of selected categories (Category 1-6) in the site info view; hourly rather than daily submission limits; along with several bug fixes.
"This will allow you to generate a more targeted list of Link Lists for submitting your free sites," the spokesperson added, saying that the new version of Chameleon Link List Submitter is a free upgrade for users of older versions of the software.
To upgrade, login into the member section and click the download link for important information on how to upgrade properly from previous versions.
"We are glad, that we could improve Link List Submitter, the tool which helps you daily by submitting your free sites into link lists and helps you to achieve very fair search engine positions," the spokesperson said. "Using the new version your work will be done easier and more effectively."