TAMPA, Fla. — Gentlemen’s club chain Déjà Vu Showgirl’s “Stripper Mobile” may be parked for good if the city of Tampa, Fla. has its way.
Already banned in Las Vegas for being too distracting to motorists, Tampa is now claiming that the current registration is not valid. But according to Luke Lirot, the attorney representing the club, the license plate shows a current registration.
A petition drive has begun to save the rolling dancer ride.
"Everything is completely legal and valid,” said Forest Austin from StripperForMe.com.
"Our rights are being silenced yet again. We've been respectful and responsible when and where we've driven the bus and now we're being shut down for no good reason. The city even admitted there have been no complaints! There's no nudity, just good clean advertisement fun!”
The petition can be found at FreeTheStripperMobile.com.