Directed by Kelly Holland, “Kittens vs. Cougars” is an all-girl romp starring Raylene, Uma Stone, Lexi Belle, Veronica Rayne, Roxanne Hall, Skyla Paige, Lexi Stone, Missy Stone, Georgia Jones and Jana Cova. A bonus scene from “Oriental Babysitters” with Nyomi Marcela and Roxy Jezel
“Brazilian Beauties” features Marcellinha Moraes, Sarah Lopez, Monica Mattos, Milena Santos and Nikki Rio in almost two hours of hardcore sex. The movie also includes a bonus anal scene from “Latin Extasy” with Alexandra Marques.
“These two titles are must-haves,” said Robert Plarski, executive vice president of sales for Pulse Distribution. “‘Both Kittens vs. Cougars’ and ‘Brazilian Beauties’ feature some really hot girls. From young and older All-American babes to exotic Latin girls, there’s something for everyone. Penthouse is definitely pulling out all the stops by releasing both in one week. I’m predicting that most people will pick up both titles and this will be a stellar sales week.”
For sales, email, or call (818) 435-1605.