OnTheHunt.net content will feature actual hookups of Manhunt members filmed by top gay porn stars. Manhunt has already begun recruiting members to appear in the videos.
"We are very excited to have this content, and to have a chance to work with ManHunt," AEBN's Trevor Marlin said. "What they are creating for OnTheHunt is definitely a unique experience — porn stars filming the amateurs — and it has created some very memorable scenes."
The first DVD available for streaming on AEBN covers the exploits of 20 amateur models and four adult stars during a weekend spent filming in Las Vegas.
"We are really excited to bring our own brand of porn to the AEBN network," ManHunt's Gary Blumenthal said. "We film our scenes in real time with no starts and stops so you get to see everything that happens on our shoots. No editing, no camera tricks, just 100 percent real amateur hookups caught on tape."
OnTheHunt.net’s “Vegas Fuckfest 2009” is now available on the AEBN network of VOD theaters.