Directed by S. Wayne, “This Ain’t Ghost Hunters XXX” follows the PAPS team — the Pacific Association of the Paranormal Society — “as they search for answers to the unexplained, the undead and the undersexed.”
The movie is the first Wayne has directed for Hustler Video, who has been producing monster thrillers and adult films since 1998. His movies include “Takes From the Clit” and “Kung Foo Girls.”
“I was really excited when Hustler Video contacted me for this project,” Wayne said. “I quickly gathered my crew and cast and we set out to make a great movie. The filming was fun, but very fast-paced. Overall, working with Hustler was a really great experience, and I look forward to the next project.”
The title is Hustler’s first foray into the supernatural and features newcomer Victoria White in her first anal scene.
“You couldn’t tell it was her first time by watching her scene,” said Drew Rosenfeld, creative director at Hustler Video. “She is so hot and works Mr. Pete as if she’d been doing anal from the beginning.”
The movie also stars SinDee Jennings, Alexa Nicole, Kiara Diane, Victoria White, Krissy Lynn, Anthony Rosano, Brett Rockman, Kris Slater and Mr. Pete.
“This Ain’t Ghost Hunters XXX” streets Nov. 24.
For sales, call David Diamond at (800) 421-2386.