The Cruising for Sex listings cover almost every corner of the globe with listings of places men cruise for sex. Tens of thousands of listings, each one passing editorial review, range from an active toilet found in the Vatican to a busy adult drive-in theatre in Texas. In addition, visitors to the site offer reviews about their experiences visiting places listed.
Webmasters will have two options: a free version that is co-branded with ads, or a paid license that does not have CFS branding or ads and is customized for the webmaster's site. In all instances, the actual content remains on CFS servers, so webmasters need not worry about additional bandwidth.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the company, albeit a bumpy ride in the last couple of months. After Katrina's devastation to New Orleans, the company was only offline for a total of nearly four days and back up and running immediately. "We lost one set of servers at 4 a.m. that morning, and additional servers at 10 a.m. One server remained online another 48-hours before going offline," Griffith said. "That one remaining machine allowed us to get a message out to site visitors explaining the situation and promising them we'd return as soon as possible. Everything is up, and we are proud to say we survived and are flourishing."
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