Dubbed Team Evil Angel, the group has raised $5,475 at press time with a goal of $6,000.
Walkers include Belladonna, Sophie Dee, Sinnamon Love, Keni Styles, Angel Vain and Karen Stagliano.
"I'm really grateful to Belladonna for organizing the team, and I'm happy that Evil Angel and I can do our part to help raise money for AIDS Walk L.A.,” Stagliano told XBIZ. “This is a cause very important to me and [Evil Angel owner] John [Stagliano]. I know that AIDS Project L.A. (APLA) does a great job as a charity and really makes a difference.
“I hope that people in the industry will continue to show the support that some have already generously done. Even a dollar or your spare change can make a difference when combined with a dollar from hundreds of other people. If you want to donate an amount that's too small to register online, please contact me at karen@evilangel.com and I'll add it to the pledge form and it will all get turned in on Sunday.”
Last year, more than 30,000 people participated in the 6.2 mile walk, and more than $3.1 million was raised.