“‘Cash for Chunkers’ provides monetary incentives to good-looking plus-size ladies to help get their weight under control through aerobics and cardiovascular sexercise with some of the biggest cocks in the adult entertainment business today,” the company said in its press release.
The movie stars Tiffany Blake, Sierra Skye, Kelly Shibari, Buxom Bella, Hillary Hooterz, Christian XXX, Talon, Steven French and Guy Di Silva as Barrack Obama.
“I have to admit I was a little nervous when the Secret Service showed up at my filming location,” Lethal Hardcore’s Stoney Curtis said. “But, I sucked it up and invited them in, after they performed a quick security check, President Barrack Obama and I sat down and he told me that heading up the ‘Cash for Chunkers’ program was my patriotic duty.”
For sales, call Robert Plarski at (818) 435-1605 or email robert@pulsedistribution.