“We find that our most valuable feedback and strongest relationships come from interacting with our webmasters,” said Lea Busick, marketing and sales director for TopBucks Mobile. “With all the discussion lately of what can be done to reinvigorate the trade shows, we thought why wait for a show? Let’s put modern videoconferencing technology to work for us, put together a webinar and get the conversation started.”
The panel of speakers will be made up of TopBucks Mobile’s mobile-savvy personnel, including iPhone specialist Matt Price and affiliate promotion expert Kristin Winters. They will address questions from the audience and cover topics stemming from the company’s own mobile marketing and development efforts.
The webinar is open to the first 20 people that RSVP by contacting Busick, who said the company is keeping the session “small and intimate, in part to keep the chaos to a minimum.”
Busick said she has received 11 commitments and has nine spaces open to attend the webinar.
To RSVP, email Busick at lee@topbucks.com. She also can be reached via ICQ number 263003699.