Directed by Axel Braun, “This Ain’t Saved by the Bell XXX” revolves around several key plot lines familiar to the original teen series, such as Zack’s schemes and Screech’s attempts to win Lisa’s heart.
“We did an amazing job of putting our signature XXX parody spin on this show,” said David Diamond, Hustler’s national sales manager. “My customers can’t wait to get their hands on it.”
A scene features the parody version of Jesse Spano creating protest signs with a shy classmate. “Jesse first educates her fellow student on the importance of saving the dolphins, but then shifts her lesson to how to properly lick pussy. The two paint each other’s nubile bodies and erupt into a hot girl-on-girl fucking frenzy,” the company said.
“This Ain’t Saved by the Bell XXX” stars Missy Stone, Ashlyn Rae, Misty Stone, Ally Ann, Nicole Ray, April O’Neal, Eric John, Ralph Long, Mikey Butders and Scott Stone as Zack Morris.
For a sneak peek, click here.