The Jason Sparks Rewards program boasts original, web-exclusive content and multiple weekly updates, as well as "a cutting-edge content delivery network," a site rep said.
"Our servers deliver the best feed no matter where you are in the world. No download or DRM to mess with, ensuring that our content can only be found on our sites."
ClubJasonSparks is currently offering 50 percent revenue share and a $150 bonus to affiliates if they refer 20 signups within 30 days of coming aboard.
Sparks has appeared in more than a dozen all-male titles over the past several years, including "Gigolo" for Lucas Entertainment and "Farts!" for Lucas Raunch, as well as "Fisting All-Stars" and "Sweet Spot!" for Hot Entertainment's Club Inferno line.
He has also anchored a number of condomless, or bareback, titles such as "Bareback That Twink!" for Dirty Dawg Productions and wrote, produced and anchored "Bareback Journeys 3-4" for his own label. However, ongoing, Sparks has said he will focus instead on safer-sex filmed production.