Directed by Celeste, “Sophia Santi: Erotique” stars Sophia Santi alongside Kimberly Kane, Micah Moore, Tiffany Brookes, Devaun, Karlie Montana, Samantha Ryan, Cody Lane and Italia Christie.
“For me the 'Erotique' series is about creating movies guys and girls enjoy watching together or on their own,” Celeste said. “'Sophia Santi: Erotique' combines superior aesthetics and production values with sex that is hard enough to captivate the guys, but passionate enough to arouse the girls.”
“Sophia Santi: Erotique” on DVD and Blu-ray includes a behind-the-scenes featurette, photo gallery and trailers to Digital Playground films. The DVD version also includes a slide show.
To view the trailer, click here.