A company representative said the two products were made in an FDA-approved lab in the U.S. and are made with natural ingredients.
Nite Rider is meant to heighten libido in men, as well as to prevent premature ejaculation and erectile problems. The product’s ingredients include herbs, including ginseng and the damiana plant, which among other things is claimed to increase blood flow to the penis.
According to the company’s website, Nite Rider works within a half hour after taking the dosage and will work for up to 48 hours.
G-Spark is meant to boost sexual libido in women, heighten the ability to orgasm and to control symptoms related to menopause. Herbs similar to those in Nite Rider are meant to increase blood flow to the clitoris for increased sensitivity.
“We feel our packaging of these products is superior to others of this type, and we have been overwhelmed by the brisk sales these products have produced so far,” a company representative said. “We are currently in the market to expand our distribution base and are looking for qualified distributors for online, as well as offline sales.”