Directed by Axel Braun, “Cougars Love Kittens” stars Faye Reagan, Victoria Valentina, Missy Stone, Eden Adams, Alexa Jordan, Raquel DeVine, Payton Leigh, Isis Taylor, Kelly Leigh, and Roxanne Hall.
“It is awesome,” said Devan Cypher, Sin City’s publicist. “That first scene alone is worth buying the movie for. Faye looks incredible being devoured by Victoria. It's the perfect start to my weekend.”
According to the company, Braun created the cougar/kitten subgenre with the movie.
“I wanted to really do something different, something that no one else is doing at this time,” Braun said. “A month from now everyone will be doing this but I will know that I did it first, and I did it best. That, and my hefty director’s fee, is all I need to sleep well at night.”
For sales, contact Drew Dixon at (800) 315-9888 or email