KWBU-TV of Waco, Texas, typically broadcasts PBS programming and other educational shows, but during a showing of "My Music: 50s Pop Parade," the station showed about five seconds of XXX action.
Officials for KWBU and Time Warner Cable have already launched an investigation into the matter, but even after examining programming logs, they haven't been able to figure out what happened. Time Warner got involved because most of the people affected were subscribers to the telecom giant's cable TV service.
KWBU Interim General Manager Clare Paul said that her station had received about eight calls complaining about the incident, while KWBU membership manager Loretta Howard added that no one seemed too angry about the snafu.
"Mainly they were wondering what happened, that there was some kind of questionable image that flashed on the screen for a few seconds," Howard said. "I spoke with one of the (complainants) and she seemed fine with it. She just wanted to make sure we were aware of the situation."