The Flash-encoded videos will join the company's selection of Windows- and Real Media-encoded offerings. In all, has about 67,000 titles. Affiliate Manager Rob Hoover said that his company chose to add Flash videos based on customer demand. Including the new pay-per-minute technology was a bonus.
"We have been working hard in our VOD labs for months to create our exclusive Flash media player with superior pay-per-minute proprietary technology," he said. is hoping to make their new player a standard for the industry. Company officials said they'll entertain leasing offers from other companies that want to deliver content in a similar way.'s library includes titles from Hustler, Danni, Adam & Eve, Red Light District Video, Evil Angel, Digital Sin, New Sensations, Legend, Metro Interactive, Totally Tasteless Video, Bacchus, Filmco, Jake Cruise, Male Media One, Private, Penthouse and Wicked, among others.