According to the company, GTBill is a billing and credit card processing company that specializes in adult payment solutions and adult credit card processing, and is best known for giving clients more than they paid for with numerous merchant account tools to make any company more profitable and efficient.
"ASACP relies completely upon the support of the adult industry and is incredibly grateful to GTBill for becoming a Corporate Sponsor," ASACP CEO Joan Irvine said. "GTBill has always been committed to payment solutions and now they are demonstrating their commitment to finding solutions to protect children online. We really appreciate them sharing their success, particularly during this economy, by joining ASACP as a sponsor."
"GTBill understands the need to protect our children from predators," Andy Khawaja, CEO of GTBill added. "We feel secure knowing that our partnership with the ASACP [demonstrates] to our clients that we are committed to the war against illegal content."
Founded in 1996, ASACP is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating child pornography from the Internet and works to help parents prevent children from viewing age-inappropriate material online. Companies and individuals interested in supporting ASACP may visit for more information on how to get involved.