Following their debut in 2006, Andreas and Marvin became known as one of gay adult's power couples and would only perform together. They anchored two installments of O'Neal's "World of Men" series — "Sao Paolo" and "Miami."
Other recent films in which they appeared as a pair include "Action!" and "Skin Deep" for director Kristen Bjorn, as well as "Out in the Office" and "Out at the Gym" for AlphaMale Media.
O'Neal was recently in Buenos Aires and initially passed on working with the pair as he'd already shot them together numerous times. Marvin then made an alternative offer to shoot a vignette with newcomer — and new boyfriend — Juan Blas.
"I'm not very good at jumping on opportunities that are presented out of what I perceive to be a negative situation," O’Neal said. "But Daniel made it very clear that all was good between him and Pedro, so I agreed to shoot him with Juan."
A threeway relationship involving Blas led to the dissolution of the Marvin-Andreas pairing. "There was no drama, just a natural emotional progression and then a breakup," O’Neal said. "No big drama."
In related news, O'Neal said he would spend the month of April shooting a non-adult travel series.
Recent titles from his globetrotting "World of Men" series include "Edinburgh" and "Serbia." Wholesale-retail inquiries may be made via email to O'Neal or company partner Rich Richards.