AxxxionCash websites include Pick-N-UpSluts, Luv-N-HerPussy and Porn Valley Sluts.
“Many people in the industry believe that the adult industry is recession-proof. We believe that while that may have been true in the past, it simply is no longer the case," Richardt said. "We’ve seen a growing trend of sites with much more content than ours moving in this direction, and it only made sense for us to follow suit if we want to compete in today’s market.
"We believe our affiliates realize that something of something is far better than nothing of something. Making a sale at a lower cost is better than no sale at all. We feel our affiliates know that to survive you have to adapt to what the market will bear, and because of that we feel they will stay loyal to us and make their returns in volume with the now lower prices."
For additional information about the AxxxionCash affiliate program, webmasters should email Rick Richardt at