The show is hosted by hardcore comedian and Sam Kinison tribute artist, Screamin’ Sam, the only tribute artist endorsed by Bill Kinison and the Kinison family.
“This is huge for us, for the first time ever Sam Kinison’s face will be seen in adult stores around the world,” producer Bud Ecstasy said. “After two-and-a-half years of live broadcasts we’ve got enough content for five to 10 more DVDs. The feedback from this first release will help shape our future releases.”
The release coincides with the announcement by HBO that it has cast Dan Fogler to star in a feature film biography of Sam Kinison.
“I’m just glad to hear HBO is moving forward with the movie,” Screamin’ Sam said. “I plan on being available for the filming of the movie as a technical consultant, and who knows, Fogler may choke on a chicken bone and I may get my big break.”
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