The widgets allow the video content to be customized and easily transported for posting on blogs and tube sites.
At NicheWealth, most videos clips run about 1 minute 30 seconds and they can be downloaded as .zip files. Other choices include downloads in .wmv and .flv formats and an option that lets users export their search into a text file using the embed code.
"We haven’t seen a lot of programs offering this type of technology yet, and feel that by getting on board early with something like this we are giving ourselves and our webmasters a competitive edge in the affiliate and consumer market places respectively," Bex, CEO of Toronto-based NicheWealth, told XBIZ.
MovieRoom’s widget allows more than 50 niche video clips, with three updates every hour, to be embedded. Webmasters can choose from nearly two dozen size variations of the widget and can link from the Flash player to more videos or follow a link directly to finish watching the full video after buying a membership.
To view a demo of MovieRoom’s Flash player, follow this link.