Shot on Super 16mm film by director James Avalon, the story revolves around Penny Flame’s character, a promiscuous housewife whose fantasy sex life mysteriously turns to reality. She is suddenly confronted with a psychotic husband, kidnapped by gun-toting bodyguards and forced to share her sprawling mansion with two over-sexed, sinister schoolgirls and an evil scientist conducting experimental therapy.
There are six sex scenes, including five group sex scenes with 20 performers in all. The two-disc set also includes bonus features such as behind-the-scenes footage, outtakes, bloopers and interviews.
“Darkside” stars Flame, Alicia Alighatti, Hillary Scott, Sunny Lane, Kelly Wells, Holly Wellin, Dillan Lauren, Deja Daire, Julia Bond, Missy Monroe and 10 male performers.
Red Light District celebrated the release last week with a premier party in Hollywood.
Public Relations Director Larry Schwartz said that, while “Darkside” brings Red Light District into uncharted territory with its first story-driven feature-length movie, the production was overseen by Vince Voyeur to ensure that sex scenes will live up to what fans expect from the company’s gonzo fare.
Red Light District Films will release one new feature each month.