"Dyke Street," a take on the classic "Nightmare on Elm Street" horror series, finds a group of women being visited in their dreams by a creepy man with sex toys for fingers. It was directed by Milton Ingley and stars Samantha Strong, Bionca Trump, Marissa Malibu and Laura King and was produced by Pleasure/Hip Video.
"Beetlejism," a spinoff of the Tim Burton horror comedy "Beetlejuice," stars Heather Keith, Heather Austin, Brittany Saks and Angel White. In the film, women are terrorized by a ghost that “sexually corrupts the whole county.”
"Nightmare on Dyke Street" hits stores Oct. 7. "Beetlejism" follows Oct. 14.
To order, call Adam Hasner at (609) 426-1777, ext. 233, or email adam@evolutiondist.com.