Don’t become a cam girl if you’re not up to the task. Even with commercials from cam studios and cam platforms promising potential models they’ll get an apartment in one month, drive their dream car or be a star with men crawling at their feet, it takes serious work. Don’t be fooled by everyone who promises fast earnings, easy money, all sugar, spice and everything perfect.
We, the #GirlsFromStudio20, don’t want you to be a cam girl, if you haven’t taken a cold hard look at the facts. Let’s start with the first one: People will judge you. Just imagine that everyone will judge you when they find out. Even the people that haven’t given you anything in your life will look at you with a judgmental eye and have opinions about what you do.
Don’t be fooled by everyone who promises fast earnings, easy money, all sugar, spice and everything perfect.
People you never even knew will talk about your job and will share their opinion with a bunch of other people that have no idea who you are. And everyone will have bad opinion about your job. So you’d better not become a cam girl if people’s opinions are important to you.
You won’t be able to have a mainstream, vanilla relationship. You know those couples that work from nine to five and go on vacation once a year, have sex two times a month and eat whatever the woman is cooking? You won’t have that. You won’t have that much time to tend to your man or cook so you’ll be forced to hire help or go eat at restaurants. Your sex life will be ruined as well because you can’t settle with lousy sex from now on. So don’t become a cam girl if you want boring sex, because you’ll know your body and what you want so well, that it’ll become really hard to find a partner who is up to the task.
You’ll need to learn about taxes. You thought cam models had no idea about money and taxes, did you? Well, not only do they have an idea, they know exactly what it’s about, because they need to understand how to calculate their taxes and pension and make sure everything is paid on time. You’re your own boss, so you’d better not become a cam girl and stick to being employed if that’s easier for you.
You’ll need to participate in conferences. Every few months, there are summits and conferences around the world, from L.A. to Mamaia, Romania and Prague, Colombia. As a cam girl, you’ll need to attend these conferences and talk in panels and seminars, learn how to talk in public, hold a speech, say interesting stuff and have everyone ask you questions. And if you don’t want that, if you don’t want to prepare a speech or look for a dress for galas, don’t apply!
Speaking of galas and dresses, you’ll attend a great many events. Just think about it. Every three months, you’ll have to look for another gala dress, another pair of shoes, another type of make up, go around and get all dolled up just to walk red carpets and have tons of photographers take your pictures and conduct interviews. Don’t become a cam girl if you find it so much easier to stay at home and just judge other people’s outfits in your pajamas.
You’ll get used to having lots of money, however! The average income for a model is around $5,000 a month. If not more. But we’ll keep the average. With this much money coming in per month, you’ll be better able to afford a lot of stuff, from clothes to cosmetic surgery. Or better yet, if you work in a studio, they’ll pay for the surgery. And you’ll need to keep it up and sustain yourself. You shouldn’t become a cam girl if you’re not ready to spend (or save) like crazy.