Meet Fabian Jansen of DatingGold, the online dating technology company that has been bringing home the gold for affiliates for years.
Jansen is DatingGold’s affiliate manager, an experienced online pro who is always on the lookout for partnering companies that might want to take advantage of its high payouts, quick payments and top-notch support.
DatingGold wouldn’t have a business without their partners. We highly value our partners dearly, and we always work together with our partners in order to find the best way to monetize their traffic more efficiently and make them earn as much as possible.
For Jansen, the push for new business is eased by DatingGold’s strong reputation — its numerous dating and webcam brands are among the top converters, and its users remain loyal.
XBIZ World reached out to Jansen to learn more about him and the leading brand he works for in this Executive Seat Q&A.
XBIZ: How did you get your start in the biz?
Jansen: I’ve been in the industry since 2012. I started out as an advertiser account manager at an ad network company where I learned about real-time bidding platforms and adult traffic monetization. I started at DatingGold about 15 months ago. At DatingGold I learned more about the adult dating business and affiliate marketing.
XBIZ: Tell me about your role at DatingGold?
Jansen: I work as an affiliate manager, and I have built up a large affiliate portfolio and am constantly trying to acquire more affiliates who can send traffic to our brands. I also try to set up partnerships with other adult dating site owners. DatingGold also offers white labels and one-click solutions. It all depends on the traffic sources and needs of the client.
XBIZ: How important are Dating Gold partners in terms of revenue for the company?
Jansen: DatingGold wouldn’t have a business without their partners. We highly value our partners dearly, and we always work together with our partners in order to find the best way to monetize their traffic more efficiently and make them earn as much as possible.
XBIZ: What's new with DatingGold?
Jansen: We have a strong focus on mobile now, and we keep adding features to our mobile-dating platforms to enhance the user experience. We noticed that our conversion rates increased significantly after implementing these new features.
XBIZ: What adult companies and/or individuals in the biz inspire you?
Jansen: I have a lot of respect for DatingGold and Allan [Henning], DatingGold’s CEO, who built up this company from scratch. DatingGold is a well-established company and has been around for over 12 years and is still going strong in this competitive market. It’s exciting to see that there are still a lot of companies entering the industry, and it just shows the huge growth potential the adult space has. The world crisis doesn’t exist in this business.
XBIZ: How important is it to attend the numerous online adult trade shows?
Jansen: It definitely strengthens the business relationship if you sit down for a drink once in a while and talk business instead of chatting on Skype or email. In some cases it’s good to put a face to a name if you have never met your client. At the adult trade shows I’ve also met so many new clients at meet markets, speed-networking events and even at parties. It basically just a fun way of getting to know other people in the business and bringing new business in.
XBIZ: What’s a typical work day like for you?
Jansen: My day starts with a nice cup of coffee — that’s my fuel. After that I check and reply to my emails and Skype messages. Followed by analyzing and optimizing my affiliates’ traffic. In the afternoon I usually chat with affiliates who have queries, and I spend time on follow ups or acquiring new affiliates.
XBIZ: When not thinking about the biz, what do you like to do?
Jansen: In my spare time I like to work out and watch sports. I’m a real soccer fan, and I support my local club FC Barcelona all the way. I also like to enjoy the beaches, mountains and great food (tapas are my favorite) here in Barcelona when I get a chance. It’s not hard to enjoy life living in Barcelona. I’m also very passionate about traveling and thanks to my work, I’m able to discover new places.